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Available Online

Reiki Session with Shamanistic Healing

Most Powerful Healing Session

1 h 30 min
222 US dollars
Unity Temple

Service Description

Embark on a transformative two-part healing journey, merging the profound energies of Reiki and Shamanistic Healing. Our session begins with a brief interview, allowing us to gain insight into your unique needs and intentions. With your permission, I will embark on a Shamanic journey to uncover any messages or clearings necessary to deepen your healing process. Following this exploration, we'll schedule a follow-up call or video conference, where we can review the Shamanistic healing and proceed with scheduling the Reiki session. During the Reiki session, your aura will undergo a cleansing process, while your chakras are meticulously aligned and balanced. Additionally, a full-body energetic healing will be administered, promoting overall well-being and harmony. Experience the profound effects of Reiki and Shamanistic healing combined, offering relief from tension and stress, while facilitating self-healing across physical, emotional, and spiritual dimensions. Following your session, we'll schedule a follow-up call for Intuitive Mentoring, allowing you to integrate the healing experience and receive further guidance on your journey toward balance and harmony. Let the transformative power of Reiki and Shamanistic Healing guide you toward a state of profound healing and alignment.

Contact Details

  • 1555 N Race St, Denver, CO, USA


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